Thursday 27 April 2017

How To Clean Cabinets

Greasy fingerprint marks seem to appear like magic on kitchen cabinets. Fortunately, it‘s easy to remove them. For painted wood, metal, laminated-plastic, and wood-grain-vinyl surfaces, use a solution of dish washing liquid and warm water. You can also use an all~purpose cleaner, but read the label carefully and test it first on the inside of a door or another inconspicuous spot to make sure it
doesn’t cause colors to fade or run. Rinse with a second cloth dipped in warm water, and dry with a third cloth.
If there's  a heavy buildup of grease and grime; use a commercial cleaner designed especially for wood. Be sure to read labels carefully and observe all cautions since some cleaners are flammable. Apply a no-buff liquid-solvent polish from time to time to restore shine.’

Clean out the interior of cupboards every few months or so or more frequently if necessary. Remove shelf lining before cleaning a cupboard because .dirt and insects can become trapped beneath it. if you want. to remove soiled or ripped con' tact paper, switch a hair dryer ”to high and direct the hot air onto the paper until you can loosen it from shelf. Remove any adhesive with a cleaner such as Citra-Solv or Goo Gone.

Wash shelves with hot water and detergent, paying special attention to spills and greasy spots. Rinse with a clean, damp cloth and wipe dry with another cloth. Sponge clean dusty cans or bottles with warm water and dishwashing liquid, and throw out items that have passed their expiration dates. Allow the cupboards to air out for at least a couple of hours before replacing contents.

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